Morgan Schutters



Show the people in your life you admire them

June 21, 2017 • Culture

If you appreciate someone, tell them. If you care about the hard work someone is doing in your company – open your mouth and speak! A kind word of admiration can go a long way. And employees who feel valued, value your clients… they value other colleagues… they value their job and they value you! Much like a masterpiece, a fine painting… your business, your company, your family, your world – are you artwork! You should be proud of what you’ve done in others lives and your own! Stand back and admire the fine work God has done and how…

Culture Is Everything

June 20, 2017 • Culture

I’ve been studying how to provide an atmosphere for your employees to thrive. It’s exciting to learn from other amazing business leaders how they are running their companies. Some say that if demand a culture of high performance, then the people who thrive in that environment will stay and the ones who don’t choose to rise to the occasion will leave. So remember keep the culture on your team positive. Keep the space your employees work in clean and energetic. The people who are negative and slow moving have to go! Make sure your people know that you constantly want…