Morgan Schutters


Show the people in your life you admire them


If you appreciate someone, tell them.

If you care about the hard work someone is doing in your company – open your mouth and speak!

A kind word of admiration can go a long way. And employees who feel valued, value your clients… they value other colleagues… they value their job and they value you!

Much like a masterpiece, a fine painting… your business, your company, your family, your world – are you artwork! You should be proud of what you’ve done in others lives and your own!

Stand back and admire the fine work God has done and how he has used your gifts and abilities to make a difference.

God admires his work on earth, and in your life and your world… admire what others are doing and have done, and what you’ve done and are doing and will continue to do!

When you find someone in your life who is outstanding, point it out. Take the time to focus on what they are doing and observe how they are doing it well. You might learn a lot. No matter what is happening, there are good things in everything that you can admire and learn from.

People are constantly bouncing from one project to the next, one conversation to the next… one activity to the next, one meal to the next – when they say we have become a ‘fast food society’ I can see what they mean! Most people are constantly on the go and never completing a task fully. Or they want it now, now now and are not patient enough to wait for something really great, or work on something to make it truly incredible! They settle for ‘ok’ or good instead of using a little harder… one step further to make it OUTSTANDING! Be that person that makes what you work on outstanding… and take notice, and thank the life who are outstanding also.